Chemical plant construction

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Chemical plant construction

Example / The CETEC-circulation evaporator (CUV)

The recovery of solvent (recycling) or the concentration of products takes in the general chemistry a large proportion of the processing of products a. High material requirements and optimum resistance to acids and alkalis (borosilicate glass 3.3, stainless steel ... to HC22 or tantalum) in conjunction with PTFE components complement the capabilities from. By "natural circulation" are little rotating / wear-end components (eg pumps) in the system in use.

There are high performance evaporator of solvents available, with associated thermal oil heating / Cooling circuits or steam injection and vacuum stations and E + I & C cabinets (S7 PLC with optional visualization).  All in a tubular frame (St.-galvanized or stainless steel) mounted. The heating / cooling equipment and vacuum Station should preferably not be installed in hazardous area and connected via pipes Compensators / hoses to the consumer. Thin-film evaporator or falling film evaporators are also used for thermal separation processes. We will assist you in the selection of equipment.